

Best practice guidelines for the use of engineering geological models released | Jobs Vox


The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment Commission 25 has published “Guidelines for the Development and Application of Engineering Geological Models on Projects”.

The new document aims to establish best practice based on the application of the Engineering Geological Model (EGM) on real projects.

The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG’s) Commission 25 (C25) is working on guidance with the aim of providing concise, practical, accessible and authoritative advice on the effective use of the technique. It has a wide range of applications including civil engineering, mining, geo-hazard studies, offshore studies, land use planning and environmental assessment.

The central premise is that an EGM is not simply a 2D or 3D visualization of a data set. Instead the Guidelines define an EGM as “a comprehensive knowledge framework that supports the interpretation and assessment of engineering geological conditions and allows the interaction of these conditions with the proposed project, so that appropriate engineering practices throughout its life cycle can be implemented.” decisions can be made.” From inception to decommissioning of the project”.

The Guidelines are intended for stakeholders around the world working on projects of all scales that interact with or require grassroots understanding.

The document is divided into three parts:

  • Advisory section for the development of EGMs (Part 1), which indicates how an appropriate EGM should be developed for any project that interacts with the land.
  • Commentary on the advisory section (Part 2), which provides additional helpful information.
  • Examples of EGM Applications (Part 3), which provides an overview of the application of EGM to different types of project.

The guidelines include contributions from 57 individuals from 15 countries and represent the working group’s consensus views on what they consider to be good practice. Two draft versions of the document have been reviewed and revised over the past two years.

“Guidelines for the Development and Application of Engineering Geological Models on Projects” can now be freely downloaded from the IAEG’s website.

A schematic view of EGM through the project life cycle

A schematic view of EGM through the project life cycle


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