

Alexis Mac Allister Girlfriend 2022, Who is Alexis Mac Allisters Girlfriend? | Jobs Vox


Who is Alexis McAllister’s girlfriend?

As of 2022, Camila Mayani is the girlfriend of Alexis McAllister (according to Surprise Sports). Camilla Mayan is and was previously known as the girlfriend of Alexis McAllister. Learn more about Alexis McAllister in the following sections.

Biography of Alexis McAllister

Fans are looking for the biography of the Argentinian football player Alexis McAllister. Here you can check Alexis McAllister biography and many other details.
Alexis McAllister was born on December 24, 1998. Alexis McAllister has gained more popularity that’s why there are people who are eagerly looking for Alexis McAllister biography. Yes, check out Alexis McAllister’s biography below.

First, let’s start with Alexis McAllister’s age, as written by Surprises, Alexis McAllister is 23 years old. According to surprises, Alexis McAllister is 176 cm tall. Check out the full biography of Alexis McAllister from the table below.

name Alexis McAllister
Real name Alexis McAllister
Date of birth December 24, 1998
age 23 years old
place of birth Santa Rosa, Argentina
height 176 cm

Alexis McAllister real name

Most people might not know Alexis McAllister’s real name, so check out this section and find out what Alexis McAllister’s real name is. According to surprisesports, it is known that Alexis McAllister’s real name is Alexis McAllister.


Most people might not know Alexis McAllister’s real name, so check out this section and find out what Alexis McAllister’s real name is. Alexis McAllister has no other name.

Age of Alexis McAllister

Alexis McAllister was born on December 24, 1998. As mentioned in the Alexis McAllister biography table, Alexis McAllister is 23 years old. Alexis McAllister was born in Santa Rosa, Argentina.

Alexis McAllister Height and Weight

People who don’t know how tall Alexis McAllister is can check this section. According to surprises, Alexis McAllister is 176 cm tall.

Alexis McAllister is a saint

Alexis McAllister was so popular and successful. If you are among the people who are looking for Alexis McAllister net worth, then here is the information. According to Surprises, Alexis McAllister’s net worth is estimated at $5 million.

Girlfriend of Alexis McAllister

Argentinian football player Alexis McAllister is married Who is Alexis McAllister’s girlfriend? Her fans are eager to know about her personal life. According to surprises, Alexis McAllister’s girlfriend is Camilla Mayan.

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