

LG. Manoj Sinha wants soft power | Jobs Vox


R 20 is hosting the summit

India is also set to host the second R20 summit in 2023 under the G20 framework. The main goal of R20 is to create a God-centered value system instead of a Religion-centered system. Two organizations, the Nahdlatul Ulama of Indonesia and the Muslim World Federation of Saudi Arabia, launched Religion 20 to help build a global movement for people of all faiths and nationalities to help regulate the global geopolitical and economic power structure. It is commendable that Prime Minister Modi described India as the holy land of “Buddha and Gandhi” and asked the next G20 summit to bring peace to the world. Top world league officials believe the R20 summit in India will help spread the message of religious harmony to the world.

In this context, it is worth examining the soft power potential in Kashmir, which Mr. Sinha has drawn attention to. Kashmir has a huge infrastructure of soft power which can be improved and used for the benefit of the common man, especially the youth who see darkness on all sides.

First, Mr. Sinha rightly said that there is a need for a sustainable sports movement in Kashmir to develop the talent of the youth to learn discipline, balance, speed and confidence. Sport has gained importance in an interconnected world, and new education policies have given it a boost as it aims to promote the holistic development of the individual. Kashmir has a long history of sports and recently martial arts have become very visible among school children. Many of my students working in South Asia are familiar with “cricket diplomacy” as a conflict management tool. Sport has a healing power and can connect people and cultures. The great Nelson Mandela said, “Sport has the power to change the world. It can unite the world. It brings hope to a place of despair. It is stronger than governments in breaking down racial barriers.” Over the years, the union government has improved sports infrastructure by establishing the first National Sports University in Manipur.

Secondly, Kashmir’s rich cultural heritage can also be displayed in a way that its soft power is incredibly attractive. In his master book Surprisingly, it was Indiathe famous British cultural historian AL Basham mentions an interesting incident: “The 11th century Persian poet Firdousi collected many legends and traditions of pre-Muslim Persia in his Shahnameh (Book of Kings), written by Basham in the 5th century. {AD} The Sasanian king Bahram Gur invited 10,000 Indian musicians to his land to entertain his poor people who complained that the pleasures of music and dance were only for the rich. It is best described and represented among the lower classes of society, preserved in speech, fairs, festivals, ceremonies, and rituals.

Historian GMD Sufi has written about Kashmiri culture, “Buddhism, Vedanta teachings and Islamic mysticism through Persian sources have found a good home in Kashmir one after the other.” The influence and traces of Central Asian and Persian culture in Kashmir gave Kashmiri culture the resources to connect South and Central Asian cultures, peoples and countries. Thanks to tourism and mountain mentality, people are quite hospitable, making their culture a source of soft power.


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