

8 Surefire Ways to Restart Your Mac | Jobs Vox


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s that the more things you have, the better. If you have more of something, basic math tells you that you have more money. And we all know that more money is better than less.

That’s why I live by this simple mantra: You can never have too much.

This doesn’t just apply to everyday life, as the same applies to your Mac. Yes, losers may tell you that clogging up your Apple computer with data will cause “problems” and make it “slow”, but who are these people? Who are they really? Are they experts? Who made them experts? It wasn’t you. So why listen to them?

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In fact, what your MacBook or iMac needs is to be jammed with as much stuff as possible. Because as we learned earlier, the more stuff you have, the more money you have. And you want your car to be worth more, right?

Well, in this article we’ll show you how to declutter your Mac to the max, so you can achieve that lofty goal.

Keep all unused apps – and their leftovers

Have you ever downloaded a bit of software on macOS? Did you decide you didn’t like it? and deleted Shame on you.

Well, hopefully if you uninstalled the app you didn’t wipe all its settings and related files? wait… you do it? How disgusting. Totally disgusting.

Here’s a tip: Never delete old apps or their data. Think of pieces of software as potential collectibles – who knows when they’ll be valuable? And, just like the old comic book figure packs, you’ll want to keep every part of the app.

One day, all those random files might be worth downloading. And you don’t want to look like a sucker in the future.

Copy each file

macos duplicate files